Scientists who indefatigably care of health and well-being of mankind, have found the next occasion never to touch tobacco products. After the recent sensational research which have found out that so-called "easy" cigarettes are not less harmful, rather than usual, American smokers already are indignant at deceivers-manufacturers and intend to demand from them indemnification in $200 млрд for the damage caused to health. There is no saying, what reaction will follow present opening, but it too directly mentions health of those who is afflicted with the specified bad habit.
In the USA where physicians constantly investigate something pernicious for nation health, have made long experiment. It has begun hardly more 20 years ago, in 1985. Then experts from the Californian university in San Francisco led by doctor Michael Pletcherom have invited to participation in the project of 1535 smoking men and women at the age from 18 till 30 years. All of them have passed inspection within the limits of the program according to risk of occurrence of a thrombosis of a coronary artery. The calcium maintenance in arteries, and also a condition of lungs was the main indicator. Besides, all participants of research have meticulously interrogated according to the special questionnaire.
And here it was found out that among the American smokers the overwhelming majority (63 %) wishes to combine inhalation of nicotine and mint aroma, that is prefer cigarettes with menthol. The reasons for how Michael Pletcher confirms, there can be a weight. It and specific taste of a smoke, and freshening effect. In addition menthol influences a human body in a special way: slows down a nicotine conclusion, because of what its concentration in blood at smoking higher, than at consumption of usual cigarettes.
Meanwhile, as authors of research consider, fans of a mint smoke subject themselves to serious risk. Having checked up group of examinees after five, seven, ten and fifteen years, scientists have come to a conclusion that among those who wished to get rid of a bad habit and has achieved in it of success, on 15 % there are more than smokers of usual cigarettes. Hence, has concluded Pletcher, with ментоловым tobacco to leave much more difficultly (twice more often given up smoking do not maintain and again begin) though on the fatal influence on health it differs nothing. And smoky defect is how much harmful to the weak and defenceless representative of a human race, it is known for a long time.
Among adherents of "freshening" cigarettes as shows the statistican, there are young women who do not work more often, have excess weight, do not abuse spirits and smoke far not packs. And the American researchers were especially amazed with that fact that the overwhelming majority “ментоломанов” is made by black inhabitants of the USA. There and then scientists were occurred by the sad data, testifying that representatives негроидной the races living in America, often suffer from the cardiovascular, oncological and other mortally dangerous diseases which reason smoking can be.
The scientific world has extremely frostily reacted to the results published by a command of Pletchera. The scientific adviser of the American pulmonary association the doctor Norman Edelman considers that the statistical data collected by its colleagues, weak and disputable, and the conclusions made on their basis, is too categorical so categorically to brand cigarettes with menthol and those who has conceived a liking for them.
And the domestic medicine, apparently, and at all sensational for itself in foreign research will not open anything. The expert of one of the Russian centres in struggle against smoking has told to the correspondent “Yтра” that "enthralling" properties of menthol for a science far not news: “When menthol gets on mucous a mouth, there is a reflex emission эндорфинов (pleasure hormones) which in a combination to nicotine causes fast accustoming. For a long time the known fact, and about it it is possible to read it in any medical directory”.